8021 Srst2-388 3/8 In Square Duct 2 In Standoff With Srhs388 Regulator

I M A G E Duro Dyne 8021

8021 Srst2-388 3/8 In Square Duct 2 In Standoff With Srhs388 Regulator

Coburn's Product #: DUR8021

Mfg#: 8021

Brand: DuroDyne


8021 SRST2-388 3/8in Sq Duct 2in Standoff w/ SRHS388 Regulator


  • Type: Flex Duct
  • 8021 SRST2-388 3/8in Sq Duct 2in Standoff w/ SRHS388 Regulator
    • Type: Flex Duct
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