Fresh Air Ventilation Kit. Includes New Wi-Fi Visionpro With Ventilation Control Eard6Tz Truezone Damper And Transformer

Wi Fi Vision P R O 8000 with True Z O N E Fresh Air Damper and transformer H O N Y T H8321 W F1036 U

Fresh Air Ventilation Kit. Includes New Wi-Fi Visionpro With Ventilation Control Eard6Tz Truezone Damper And Transformer

Coburn's Product #: HONYTH8321WF1036U

Mfg#: YTH8321WF1036/U


Wi-Fi VisionPRO® 8000 with TrueZONE Fresh Air Damper and transformer


  • Type: Zone Control Damper
  • Color: Arctic White
  • Length: 1.13
  • Width: 4.94
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