4080-04 Aerosol Spray Adhesive 12 Oz

Coburn's Product #: NUC408004

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Manufacturer #: 4080-04

  • • Fast-drying, all-purpose adhesive spray
    • Strong, water-resistant, flexible bond
    • Does not bleed through material

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    This advanced formula mist spray adhesive is the one true all purpose adhesive. This unique product utilizes an advanced rubber system to create a product versatile enough for everything from light to heavy duty jobs. Applications for this product can be found throughout general industry for bonding fabric, plastics, felt, cork, paper, corrugated, wood, most metals, and a variety of other materials. It’s high heat resistance (over 200°F) allows use in a variety of environments including applications in engine compartments, around boilers, air conditioners and quick tack on headliners. This product has a conveniently long open time to allow for repositioning and adjustment when affixing surfaces to be bonded. Another feature is a moderate flow rate spray valve to provide over-spray control in a mist adhesive. The non staining formula is pressure sensitive with fast tack and forms a temporary or the ultimate permanent bond. Formulated with the environment in mind, this product contains no chlorinated solvents, carcinogens, or ozone depleters and cleans up easily with mineral spirits.
  • • Fast-drying, all-purpose adhesive spray
    • Strong, water-resistant, flexible bond
    • Does not bleed through material
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